What Should I Do If There’s Disagreement Over the Appointment of an Executor or Administrator?

Probate Administration FAQs   1. Can a Non-Resident Serve as an Executor or Administrator in North Carolina? Yes, non-residents can serve as executors or administrators of an estate in North Carolina. There are, however, certain conditions that may require a non-resident to take additional steps, such as being bonded. The bond serves as financial assurance…

What Should I Do if My Probate Filings Keep Getting Rejected By the Court?

Frequently Asked Questions about Probate Administration in North Carolina FAQ 1: What should I do if my probate filings keep getting rejected by the court? When probate filings are repeatedly rejected, it can be incredibly frustrating, especially when adhering to court deadlines. In North Carolina, probate filings must comply with specific procedural and statutory requirements…