When Should I Start Estate Planning?

When Should I Start Estate Planning? What comes to mind when you hear “estate planning”? You might think it’s just for the obscenely wealthy folk gracing Forbes covers. But it’s time we bust that myth. Estate planning, my friend, is something everyone needs. Even you! Let’s delve into the details of estate planning and explore…

Common North Carolina Probate Issues

Common North Carolina Probate Issues Navigating the probate process in North Carolina can be a complex task. It involves legal procedures, paperwork, and often, emotional stress. This article aims to shed light on common probate issues in North Carolina. It provides an overview of the probate process and highlights the role of North Carolina probate…

5 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan

Is Your Estate Plan as Stale as Last Week’s Ham Sandwich? Estate plans are almost magical: They allow you to maintain control of your assets, yet protect you should you become incapacitated. They take care of your family and pets. And, if carefully crafted, they reduce fees, taxes, stress, and time delays. Estate plans can…

Thirteen Estate Planning Terms You Need to Know

Thirteen Estate Planning Terms You Need to Know Estate planning—it is an incredibly important tool, not just for the uber wealthy or those thinking about retirement. On the contrary, estate planning is something every adult should do. Estate planning can help you accomplish any number of goals, including appointing guardians for minor children, choosing healthcare…